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visits to research centers his Excellency Minister of Animal Resources Short training World Wildlife Day 2022 visits to research centers his Excellency Minister of Animal Resources Visit of the University of Khartoum kindergarten school to the Wildlife Research Centre

visits to research centers his Excellency Minister of Animal Resources


On his routine visits to research centers his Excellency Minister of Animal Resources Hafiz Ibrahim Abdul Nabbi, visited Wildlife Research Center on the  3rd of March 2022 accompanied by the Consultant of the Ministry of Animal Resources, General Director of Animal Resource Research Corporation,  Deputy Director and Directors of MAR Departments. His Excellency emphasized his strong support to the rehabilitation of the infrastructure and application of modern technology to improve wildlife sector so it could play an effective role in the national economy through ecotourism. Moreover he promised to overcome all challenging issues impeding WRC to play its roles in wildlife conservation pointing out to the importance of cooperation with the relative institutes in the better exploitation of this promising sector. In her speech, the Director of WRC Dr. Lubna M. Abdallah stressed on the keen efforts being made to improve research and setting their priorities to improve wildlife and the national economy. Moreover she disclosed the tasks, strategies, programs, projects, activities and achievements of WRC during the period between 2012 – 2022 and the prime challenges.

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